Trees of Life
Including Artworks by Erica-Lynn Huberty, Julia Yensho, and August Whitney

January 11 - March 1, 2025
Idoline Duke: Trees of Life
The Tree of Life is "a ubiquitous symbol in art, religion, and mythologies throughout the ages...common as an evocative reminder that we're all after the same thing; harmony within ourselves, harmony with each other, and the recognition that we are all connected and part of something much greater than ourselves.
"Making art is my greatest form of escapism. Although often hard work, it is for me like a portal into another world where I envision a better place than where we are. Whether working on an abstract landscape, the details of an intricate leaf, or on a fantastical tree of life, I get to be in that place of beauty for as long as I’m painting." -Idoline Duke